Blue Catfish – The blue catfish is native to North America reaching an average length of 65 inch and weighting up to 165lbs. The typical blue cat reaches 30-70 pounds. Blue Catfish are heavy bodied, blueish gray in color and have a dorsal hump. Their diet includes but is not limited to crawfish, clams, worms, frogs, and other aquatic foods.
Channel Catfish– The most North American numerous catfish species is the most fished catfish among the species. They have very few teeth and swallow food whole. Channel cats are cavity nesters. They lay their eggs in cavities, holes, and hollows to protect them from moving water. The Channell Cats top weight tops out between 40-50 pounds. They grow longer in length and smaller in weight. Their diet includes sunfish, yellow perch, snakes, frogs, algae, seeds, grains, and nuts.
Flat Head Catfish– Other common names for the flat head are yellow cat, mud cat, and Mississippi cat. They are olive colored on the sides and top and yellow tinted on their belly. They can grow up to 61 inches in length and can weigh up to 120 pounds. Flat heads prefer live prey. Their diet mostly includes fish, insects, worms, smaller catfish and shad.